My house number is #2
What is #Numerology?
November 18th is International Numerology Day! You’d be surprised to know your door number means something for you...
Numerology, to put it simply, is the study of the numbers in your life. Using numerology, you can learn facts about both the world around us, and each individual. Numerology is a universal language of numbers that can appear complex. There are so many different types of numerology you may not know where to begin.
The nine single-digit numbers (1-9) serve as the foundation for the study of numerology. In numerology, these numbers stand for a particular set of personality traits, symbolism (whether spiritual or not), and significance. In fact, it resembles each of them having a distinct personality of their own.
We may better appreciate the significant messages that these numbers are sending us by knowing their numerological significance, especially when they appear in our charts or throughout our lives.
We condense practically all of our numerological calculations to a single number. We usually keep reducing until we reach one of these single digits, however there are occasional exceptions, such as Master Numbers or an Angel number, (11, 22, 666, 999).
For example, the number 34 would be calculated as 3+4 = 7, giving you the numerological number 7.
Your Door Number is 2, which makes your Numerology number
Numerology number 2. This number creates a couple. The number 2 is the number of compassion, emotions, and of helping others. With the number 2, you are never alone. With the number 2 on your door, your blessings are those of natural affection, empathy and love. The qualities of duality, like opposites attract, yin/yang, will take centre stage.
Caring, Sensitive, Helpful
The High Priestess - Spiritual mystery, feminine wisdom.
The 2nd house represents Wealth.
2 is the Moon, rules the sign of #Cancer, the day of #Monday, element WATER.
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